Magnus, September 2007 – April 8, 2008

Magnus was a fine feline, but he was sick most of his life.  The only outwardly visible symptom was a lack of appetite.  Three veterinarian visits and antibiotic regimens during the last three months only improved his health temporarily.  On April 5, he lost all control of his front legs.  He stayed overnight at the vet’s office on April 7 for tests.  The next day the veterinarian determined that he had feline infectious peritonitis and nothing could be done for him.  Due to the lack of motor control, the decision was made to euthanize him that day.  He would only have lived for a few more days anyway due to malnourishment.  I wish he could have come home for his
final days, but they could not do anything to improve his motor control and he was miserable.  Euthanization was the best option for him under the circumstances.

Goodbye Magnus.  You will be missed.

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